Welcome to Virtual Guide in instructional design

Virtual Guide in instructional design" is an online resource which enables instructional designers and educational technologists to access a wide selection of guidelines and resources organised according to different categories of competency or by phases in a typical eLearning project.

This guide is one of the outputs of the eLene-TLC eLearning programme Virtual Campus project (2007-2008) developed as part of a specific work package devoted to the target group of instructional designers. It is based largely on the European ICT in education competency framework for teachers, students and instructional designers, developed by the eLene-TLC team.

Is the Virtual Guide for me?
Whatever your job title - instructional designer, educational technologist, learning technologist, eLearning expert, multimedia developer, project manager, teacher - if you are involved in designing learning materials and courses using Information and Communication Technologies then the Virtual Guide is for you!

In fact the term "instructional designer" is often best understood when considered as a role: the interface between teacher and multimedia developer. You need to be able to communicate with both, drawing on a pedagogical background on the one hand and an ICT background on the other. In some cases, teacher, instructional designer and multimedia developer may even be one and the same person.

How can the Virtual Guide help me?
This virtual guide is designed to help you to identify competences you may need while working on eLearning courses. For each competency, we have created guidelines and selected training resources to help you develop your competencies in the field of instructional design. All resources are freely accessible web-based materials or websites.

To start select from the categories of competency or phases in eLearning projects, using the menu on the left. We hope you enjoy your eLearning journey!

Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland
Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Vidéoscop-Université Nancy 2, France

University of Umea, Sweden

If you're looking for resources for teachers, teacher trainers or students, you might like to take a look at the eLene-TLC project's Teaching and Learning Centre www.tlcentre.net.

For more information about the eLene-TLC project itself: www.elene-tlc.net.